Thursday, April 19, 2007

Artist Statement

As an artist I have a unique opportunity to attempt to transform all of lifes experiences into another medium. All that I see, feel learn and explore is meaningful not just for its intrinsic value but for its potential to be incorporated into a new vision. The creative process has provided a heightened awareness of my surroundings and the possibilities they offer. Within each experience the possibilities for artistic transformation exist as potential awaiting interpretation. I believe that the inspiration that a teacher can provide to a student is essential to creative development. That idea has inspired me to continuing learning and sharing knowledge to others. The idea of having a community of purpose keeps the process more inspired and alive. When I am creating art I need a motivation to really feel I am part of the piece. My motivation usually stems from personal experiences. Memory plays a huge role in my artwork. The idea that memories hold the potential to transend time or disappear into nothing keeps me dedicated to perserving their life through different mediums in art. I work primarily two and three dimensionally but am starting to work with time as a medium. I am interested in the way that the element of time can change the meaning of a piece. Using video manipulation I am able reinterperet my memories and transform them into something more truthful. Kinetic art enables me to show an action or involve my audience in an interactive manner.

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